You may have heard of the term flow. It’s something that athletes, musicians, artists and even programmers love, a golden moment where time itself seems to disappear as you are completely absorbed in the activity you’re doing. Before I made this game, I ironically was researching video game addiction and ended up reading Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book Flow, which helped me grasp the idea more concretely.

What struck me most about the book wasn’t actually about how to get into flow, but it’s pitfalls. Mihaly describes how ultimately the concept of consciousness control is the most important:

When a person becomes so dependent on the ability to control an enjoyable activity that he cannot pay attention to anything else, then he loses the ultimate control: the freedom to determine the content of consciousness. Thus, enjoyable activities that produce flow have a potentially negative aspect…they can become addictive, at which point the self becomes captive of a certain kind of order…

In a video game, because of its (usually) self contained nature, designers can create parameters that fulfill so called “flow conditions”. But is this artificially created flow really the ideal Csikszentmihalyi was trying to get across? In fact, one of the reasons that I started my research around video games in the first place is because I felt a certain emptiness after playing video games for hours and hours on end.

As a reconciliation between the part of me that loves video games and the part of me that wants to master this so called consciousness control, I created Firefly. Firefly explores how to break flow in a medium that is traditionally used and has many affordances to create flow: a video game. By nature it’s intended to cause some internal dissonance. The design took inspiration from Jason Rohrer’s Passage, which had simplicity in controls and world building yet many meanings and metaphors behind it. For those interested, here are more in-depth details about my intentions for the design:

While these are my intentions, there is no “right” way to play firefly just as there is no right way to live life. This is the first game I have ever made, and it brings me a lot of joy seeing it come into fruition. I hope playing Firefly brought about a different awareness into your day and helped you discover a bit more about yourself, as making it did for me.